Israel Adventure Tour 2025

We’re returning to Israel—digging deeper into a Bible you never imagined! Join Pastor Jay McCarl and Mark Bunger as we visit vital Biblical sites that tourists rarely see. Highly recommended for Pastors, Bible teachers, second-timers and folks who love the Bible. Seats are limited—register soon!


This is an especially important Tour. Our visit is an expression of standing with God’s covenanted nation, Israel and an encouragement to His people, the Jews. If ever an Israel tour held a significant underlying theme, this is it. Pray for Israel, for God’s people and about coming on this important tour. Blessings and Shalom. —Jay and Mark

April 28-May 9, 2025

Price: $5995 (double occupancy)*

Register Here!



Day 1: Monday, April 28: Depart LAX on El Al airlines, nonstop) for Tel Aviv

Day 2: Tuesday, April 29: Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport.  Welcome Dinner at Hotel in Tel Aviv.

Day 3: Wednesday, April 30: Tel El Tsafi (Gath), Elah Valley/Khirbet Qeiyafa, Tel Sera (Ziklag), Beit Guvrin National Park, Lachish. Overnight in Beer Sheva.

Day 4: Thursday, May 1: Tel Beer Sheva, Abraham’s Well, Sde Boker (Ben Gurion’s home & tomb), Ein Avdat hike, Tel Arad. Overnight in Kalia.

Day 5: Friday, May 2: Camel ride, Masada via Roman siege ramp, Ein Gedi waterfall hike. Overnight in Kalia.

Day 6: Saturday, May 3: Qumran Caves, Jericho, Jordan Valley, Tel Jezreel, Khirbet Kana, Tel Tsafsfot (En Dor). Overnight in Galilee.

Day 7: Sunday, May 4: Golan Heights: Mt. Hermon Overlook, Katzrin Talmudic Village, Gamla, Hippos-Susita, Al Araj (Bethsaida site), Capernaum. Overnight in Galilee.

Day 8: Monday, May 5: Travel to Jerusalem: Shiloh, Elon Moreh, Beit El, Nebi Samuel, Tel Gibeah. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 9: Tuesday, May 6: City of David, Temple Mount, Western Wall Tunnels, Church of Holy Sepulcher; Alexander Nevsky Church, St. Marks Church, Jewish Quarter, Ramparts walk, special light show at Tower of David (Citadel Museum). Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 10: Wednesday, May 7: Israel Museum, Knesset visit, Israel Supreme Court visit, Mahane Yehuda Market. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 11: Thursday, May 8: Herodian, Hebron (Tomb of the patriarchs), Mamre and Ancient Hebron. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 12: Friday, May 9:  Arrive home.

IMPORTANT! You’ll be walking and hiking 2-5 miles a day on uneven ground, hilly trails and challenging stairways, including bus and 4-WD travel on winding, bumpy roads. You should be in good physical condition before we leave. This tour is not recommended for people needing wheelchairs, walkers or for young children, as most sites lack handicapped access. Please consult your physician before registering if you are pregnant, suffer from back or leg-related ailments, car or air sickness, or any chronic illnesses.

For more information contact

 * Itinerary subject to change. Price may increase $275 if fewer than 15 paid travelers.

Our tours are are crafted to educate and inspire travelers at authentic Biblical sites. We highly encourage the participation of pastors and church leaders—a single tour will transform a minister, and in turn, whole congregations.




Two weeks in Israel is worth a year in any Seminary.Pastor Chuck Smith