2025 Israel Tour

Nov. 30-Dec. 12 (optional PETRA/JORDAN Extension, Dec. 12-17)
$5595* (Land-Only packages available; Jordan Extension $1600)
“Two weeks in Israel is worth a year in any Seminary,” a pastor once said, and he was right. Touring Israel is more than a vacation—it’s a journey into the Biblical past and a panorama of the prophetic future. Join us…!
So much more than sightseeing—this once in a lifetime event will be an expression of standing with God’s covenanted nation and an encouragement to His people. If ever a Biblical Tour had a singular theme, this is it. With the recent political shift Israel’s situation is stabilizing, and tourist hotels and Biblical sites are reopening with exciting improvements—including upgrades to our renowned itinerary. The Middle East has always been full of ‘what-if’s’, but be assured that our tour is set to go and is now taking registrations. Join us—we’ll show you the Bible you never imagined, right where it all happened. —Jay and Mark
IMPORTANT! You’ll be walking 2-5 miles a day on uneven ground, hilly trails and challenging stairways, including bus travel on winding roads. You should be in good physical condition before we leave. This tour in not recommended for people needing wheelchairs, walkers or for young children, as most sites lack handicapped access. Please consult your physician before registering if you are pregnant, suffer from back or leg-related ailments, car or air sickness, or any chronic illnesses.
- RT airfare from SFO to TLV
- 10 touring days
- Deluxe hotels with breakfast and dinner daily, plus 5 lunches
- All transfers, entrance fees, taxes and tips to hotels, drivers and guides
- Free day-and-a-half in Jerusalem
We Visit…
Mt. of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Magdala, Nazareth, Land of the Gadarenes, Sea of Galilee & Baptism, Tel Dan, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Tel Megiddo, Sepphoris, Qumran, Gideon’s Spring, Hills of Naphtali, Dead Sea, Damascus Road, Golan Heights, Beth Shean, Bethel, Shiloh, Masada, En Gedi, Genesis Land, Bethlehem Shepherd’s Field, Caesarea Philippi, Mt. Gerizim
…and Jerusalem…
Mt. of Olives, Dominus Flevit, Garden of Gethsemane Golgotha, Western Wall, Jewish Quarter, South Temple Steps, Arab Bazaar, Lithostratus, Hezekiah’s Wall, Upper Room, Pools of Bethesda, Wall Ramparts, Model City, Temple Mount, Garden Tomb
Optional Jerusalem Treks: Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, City of David, Israel Museum, Yad Vashem Herodian Quarters
- 3 touring days
- Free day at a deluxe Red Sea resort with glass-bottom boat ride & lunch
- Deluxe hotels with breakfast and dinner daily, plus 2 lunches
- All transfers, entrance fees, taxes and tips to hotels, driver and guide
- Non-stop RT airfare from SFO to TLV
We Visit…
PETRA (full day), Wadi Rum & Bedouin lunch, Mt. Nebo, Madaba Map, Elah Valley & Beersheba (Israel) and a few surprises!
*Price may increase $200 if fewer than 21 paying passengers
- Israel Traveler’s Aid (important Tour tips)
- Israel FAQ’s
- Jordan FAQ’s
* Our tours are offered at the lowest cost for the highest quality experience and are crafted to educate and inspire travelers at authentic Biblical sites. We highly encourage the participation of pastors—a single tour transforms a ministry, and in turn, whole congregations.